To formalize a claim, complaint or to appeal an evaluation, you must fill in the model documentavailable on the website and make it reach the Program Manager by email, using the <Complaint/Appeal: Submission Tool>, a web tool. Complaints will be managed by the immunologist in charge of the program. Your appeal or any issue related to reports, results and evaluations will be first reviewed by GECLID programme, Then by the Steering Committee and finally by the Quality Commission of the Spanish society for immunology (Comisión de Calidad para la Inmunología Diagnóstica (CCID)). You will be informed all along the appeal or complaint progress. Remember that the deadline for appealing ends up 1 month after reports are published.

If the appeal is related to transcription errors of results, you should always provide the original records of the analysis. Appeals are sent to the appropriate Steering committees.

Last modified: Friday, 26 May 2023, 12:57 PM