This Subprogram includes intercomparisons of immunoglobulins, specific IgE complement, paraproteins, oligoclonal bands, monitoring of anti-TNF, IFN, soluble CD25 and antibodies in response to vaccination

Course image IQ24-179 Immunoproteins
2024 Immunochemistry & Allergy
Within this scheme are grouped the former IQ-1 Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE), IQ-7 Complement (C3, C4, C1inh, C1q, Factor B) and IQ-9 Inflammation (PCR and Rheumatoid Factor). There will be 6 annual rounds with 2 samples each. The results for factor B will be compiled just in rounds r2 and r5

Course image IQ24-3 Specific IgE (native and recombinant allergens)
2024 Immunochemistry & Allergy
En este esquema se recogerán resultados de IgE reconociendo diferentes alérgenos, tanto naturales como moleculares. 
Course image IQ24-4 Serum paraproteins
2024 Immunochemistry & Allergy
Detección y tipificación de componentes monoclonales (Igs, cadenas ligeras) en suero
Course image IQ24-6 Oligoclonal Bands
2024 Immunochemistry & Allergy
Detección e identificación de patrones de bandas de IgG en pasres LCR-suero para el diagnóstico de EM
Course image IQ24-8 Funcional complement
2024 Immunochemistry & Allergy
Capacidad funcional, hemolítica y actividad de C1 inhibidor orientadas al diagnóstico de AEH
Course image IQ24-15 Anti TNF therapy monitoring
2024 Immunochemistry & Allergy
Niveles de fármaco (adalimumab, etanercept e infliximab) y anticuerpos en suero
Anti TNF drug levels (adalimumab, etanercept & infliximab) and serum antibodies